Thursday, June 5, 2008

Virtual Reality Head Tracking using Wii Remote

This might be WTLW for some of you ("welcome to last week") but I thought it was pretty incredible.

This dude Johnny Lee, aka Magoo, created this software that used the Wii remote and sensor bar to create a VR environment. Watch the whole thing, it's sweet.

It's pretty cool seeing what can be done with the existing technology. Why doesn't Nintendo utilize this?

This reminds me of a class I took on "New Digital Media" at UCI. There was a section on gaming where we explored the history (from the first mmorpgs to Wii, etc) and examined new ways to enter new dimensions of gaming. Needless to say, it was a sweet class, just too much work. The thing that trips me out is that this new dimension can be achieved using existing technology that is already in place. Pretty cool stuff.

This guy created a couple projects using the Wii remote and has them up on his website. I've actually seen the white board mod, our IT guy at work set one up - here is Johnny Lee's Wii project site

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