Wednesday, June 18, 2008

K1 Speed - Karting

I took a bunch of my employees to K1 for lunch today, another perk of working in the automotive enthusiast industry. We currently have all of our assistants slaving away at getting all our archive articles up on the web, so we decided to give the project some incentive. Top performers will be rewarded at different stages of the project, the first round being a trip to K1 and lunch on the company.

K1 is pretty sweet. They have 5 locations total, 4 in SoCal and 1 in Seattle. It's not your typical bumper karts/amusement go-kart track. You have your own account (license they call it) and they keep track of all your race times. There is a little print out after each race, raking everyone in your group. They really cater to car people, and the facility is pretty sweet. If you are in the area, it's cool to check out if you care about racing / lap times. If you just want to tool around, go to Boomers or something.

Just for the record, I had the fastest lap time and fastest average time for the whole office.. no big deal.

Here is the track (1 of 2 at the Irvine location).

Link -
(pictures jacked from K1's site)

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