Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My New Wheels - One Gear Only

Picked it up this past weekend and I've rode it to work every day so far.

I wanted something cheaper and more simple than my Cannondale roadie bike for commuting purposes, so I decided on a single speed. Specialized has a line of bikes called Langster that are single speed city/commuter bikes, and come in different themes. Each model in the Langster series is named after a city. I went with the 'Chicago' since it's the sickest. Flat black frame, bull horn style bars, black crank, black components, sweet graphics, etc. It even says Gangster instead of Langster, lol, and has a little city scape with Al Capone on the top tube. All it needs is a set of red wheels.

Overall, I'm really stoked on the bike. I'm just going to leave the pedals that it came with on the there since they are just flats with the little straps for sliding regular shoes into. This makes it easier since I'll primarily be commuting and I don't feel like changing my shoes. All the components on the bike are bolted down (no quick releases) so I don't have to worry about locking the bike up outside of the office.

Price wasn't bad either. It was on sale before taking another 15% off for being a VeloSport team member of Rock and Road bike shop. So put it this way, I used my economic stimulus check and still went out to dinner. Thanks for the free bike, US Government. I'll be using it to stop buying gas.

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