Friday, July 18, 2008

Rampage Jackson lost his damn mind..

I watch a little UFC/Pride stuff once and a while, but I want to make one thing clear... I am in no way, shape, or form one of those bros who wear Tap Out or Affliction shit. I just like watching people beat the piss out of each other.

Anyway, Rampage Jackson (who knocked out Chuck but lost his title to Forrest Griffin) recently made the news. After going on a road rampage (sorry, I had to do it), he was arrested after driving his massively lifted F350 over a few cars and down to Newport Beach, where he was finally detained.

Here is a tip for you would-be criminals. If you are going to run from the cops, don't use a monster truck with a life-size portrait of yourself on the side of it as your getaway vehicle...

Hell, a white Bronco would have been better

Apparently, he was too messed up to go to jail, so they hospitalized him. There are also mental health issues at hand, but I'm not sure about all the details. One thing I do know, I never want to run into Rampage... he lives in Irvine.

But honestly, who drives around in a monster truck with their mug plastered all over the side?
I don't think I would be able to pull it off...

"Better watch out, I hear after a few Appletinis, that guy's arm-bar is like an anaconda!"

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