Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Text Message Relationships - Hilarious!

I've been a fan of current TV for quite a while. If you don't know what it is, check it out.
Basically an online TV network (they also have an actual channel somewhere out there) that is based on user submitted and approved content.

Super News is the best by far. It's always picking apart the most current popular issues and making them hilarious as only an animated skit can.

They recently did a skit called "Texting Your Way To Love" and I was literally in tears because I was laughing so damn hard, at work no less. My married friends and family won't really identify with this too much, but it basically sums up the last few years of my life, lol. It's pretty damn accurate.

Shit is hilarious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are right Dan, us married folk don't get it.... It was funny though.