Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It Came!

Project Cockpit (lol) - Part 2: Planning/Design

Well the G25 wheel came today, giving me the opportunity to take some measurements and draw up some rough sketches.

I decided to go with 2" ABS piping since its nice and cheap, easy to drill into, and there are pre-made joints, bends and connectors. (You can see them in the sketch below)

Once the main structural frame starts to come together, I can figure out how I want to brace the wheel mount, but you get the idea.

Here is just the base layout along with the peripheral measurements so I know the dimensions that the mounting platforms need to be.

You can see from the last sketch (hopefully) that there are threaded mounting holes on the bottom of the pedal base, so mounting the pedals should be simple.

Time to go back to Lowes...

The Good Stuff

Here it is in all its glory, the Logitech G25.

Current (temporary) setup:

Some Close-ups

All I can say is, this wheel setup kicks ASS.
If anyone out there gets this wheel to go with GT5 Prologue here is a hint to setting it up - select 'driving force pro' in the options menu, but...
*In order for the clutch pedal to be functional, you just have to push the very top botton on the control pad (where the triangle button would normally be) during the race to enable it. Kind of lame that you have to 'enable' it each race rather than just changing the settings one time, but it's only one button to push. And the setup kicks so much ass that nothing can really bring it down from a 10/10 in my book.


I'll be picking up the materials tomorrow, so check back for more progress later.
Enough writing, time to play!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...